Understanding, respect and discretion

Our private setting, personal care and specialised knowledge means your total healthcare needs can be met under one roof. Whatever support you require over the course of your life, be assured that our centre has a team of genuine and qualified people who can help.

We offer patients complete care

Lives Lived Well Specialist Centre offers medical consultations, assessment and treatment to help you improve your physical and mental health, relationships and family life.

Depending on your individual needs, you can access:

  • Qualified medical advice and support to develop a Mental Health Care Plan
  • Best practice treatment and counselling for mental health conditions
  • Psychiatry consultations (for Gold Coast Lives Lived Well clients only). A referral is needed to access Psychiatry services, this can be obtained by making an appointment with our onsite GP

It is comforting to know you can be supported to manage all of your health needs in one place.


Access government-supported mental health initiatives

For example, you may want to access rebate-able mental health services under the government’s Better Access initiative, which requires the development of a plan by a GP in order to access sessions with a psychologist/psychiatrist – you can seamlessly move between both kinds of practitioners within our centre.


New Patient Information Form

Before your first appointment we need to gather information about your medical history to help us best treat you. If you’d prefer to complete this form at home before your first appointment:

  1. Download the Patient registration form (PDF)
  2. Complete all relevant sections and sign

EITHER scan and email it back to us, OR print a copy and bring it with you on the day.

We help children, adults and families

We can provide medical and mental health treatment for adults, teenagers, children and families. Our team includes experienced child psychologists, and practitioners with expertise in relationships, family conflict, and problematic or self-harming adolescent behaviour.

What to expect when you make an appointment

We require that first-time patients make an appointment over the phone.

Our friendly reception team will ask a few questions to help determine:

  • The reason for your visit and how we can assist
  • Any special needs you may have
  • The most appropriate, available health care professional on our team to help you.

During a phone conversation, it is easier to ask important follow-up questions that help us understand your needs and match you with the right practitioner. It also means you can ask us any questions you may have.

It is helpful (but not mandatory) to complete and return the New Patient Information Form before you attend our centre: it’s available to download on the top-right of this page. By completing the form beforehand, it allows our team to be prepared and make the most of your appointment time.

Contact us to make an appointment.

Standard appointment duration

GP: A standard appointment length is 15 minutes. Longer appointments of up to 45 minutes may be required, dependent on your needs. If you’re not sure just ask us when you call.

Psychologist: A standard session is 50 minutes.

Psychiatrist: A standard session is 50 minutes. There is currently a wait-time for appointments with our psychiatrist, consideration will be given to urgent patients.

How to get to our centre

Learn more about our location and parking availability on our Contact Page.

Your payment options

Payment is required at the time of your appointment. You can pay using credit/debit, and electronic transfer (via EFTPOS).

We are a mixed-payment practice: practitioners charge for their services. Some of our practitioners also offer bulk-billed services for concession card holders only.

If you require bulk-billing:

  • Ask for a practitioner that offers bulk-billing when you make an appointment
  • Remember to bring your concession card with you to your appointment.

Medicare rebates

If you have connected your Medicare account to your bank account and pay by EFTPOS, our practice is set-up to enable you to claim your Medicare benefit at the time of payment, so that it will be paid into your bank account almost immediately.

Private health cover rebates

If you have private health cover for psychology, psychiatry and allied health, we can provide you with a receipt so that you may claim with your private health fund.

Please note: you cannot claim the cost of psychology sessions from your private health fund if you are also accessing the Medicare rebate via a Mental Health Care Plan.

Your rights, obligations and privacy