
Lives Lived Well is committed to providing the highest possible quality of care while ensuring that the funding we receive is allocated toward reliable and proven treatments.

Having programs and services that are backed by effective evidence-informed practice is a key priority for us. To guarantee this, we undertake and continually monitor emerging research in the alcohol, drug and mental health literature.

Our research agenda is underpinned by a formal partnership with the University of Queensland, with Professor Leanne Hides acting as the inaugural Lives Lived Well Chair in Alcohol, Drugs and Mental Health. Senior Lives Lived Well staff work in conjunction with UQ researchers to plan, vet and manage projects and to disseminate research findings across Lives Lived Well.

While we facilitate our own research, we also support others to undertake projects aimed at improving alcohol and drug and mental health practice. If you would like to engage LLW in a research proposal, please contact [email protected].

To make an application, please complete our Application to Conduct Research at LLW Form.