GP Education

Alcohol and Other Drug information and tools for clinicians and other people who work in health, or support roles.

By attending an education workshop with an Addiction Medicine Specialist, clinicians and other people who work in health care and support roles can gain more information and tools to help assess, manage and treat people who are at risk or have problems with alcohol or drugs.

Why should GPs attend?

Dependent substance use is a chronic, relapsing condition which is difficult to treat. GPs and other primary care professionals have a key role to play in prevention, early detection and management of substance misuse and dependence.

About the facilitator

GP education is facilitated by Lives Lived Well’s Addiction Medicine Specialist, Dr Graeme Judson BHB, MBChB, Grad Dip HSc, MHSc (Hons), FACHhAM. Dr. Judson has over 25 years of experience working in the drug and alcohol field in New Zealand and Australia.

Dr Judson works within a harm reduction and the mental health recovery model.

He has worked for Lives Lived Well since 2014. He provides addiction medicine and clinical leadership for Lives Lived Well staff and services in NSW and Queensland, as well as partner organisations. As part of his work Dr Judson provides outreach addiction medicine support to the primary health care workforce in the West and Far West of NSW, South East, Central and North Queensland.

Since 2014, Dr Judson has been a member of the Education Committee for the Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine.

Essential information for primary care

Dr Judson regularly facilitates education sessions on a range of topics related to substance use and treatment. Topics include:

  • opiates and pharmacotherapy in general practice
  • pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation
  • alcohol screening and brief intervention
  • GP Withdrawal Management
  • substance use in pregnancy
  • medical issues with drug use
  • opiates and drug seeking in general practice.

For more information about GP education please phone 1300 727 957.

Upcoming events can be found on our Drug and Alcohol First Aid Eventbrite page.