Drug and Alcohol First Aid

Drug and Alcohol First Aid (DAFA) workshops are available in the community and online.

Our facilitators are qualified and experienced Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) clinicians. They are subject matter experts ready to share their knowledge and expertise with you through our Drug and Alcohol First Aid (DAFA) workshops. Participants who attend the DAFA workshops will be equipped to:

  • develop foundational knowledge of alcohol and drug harms
  • understand treatment and support options available
  • understand the myths and facts around problematic AOD use
  • assist with reducing stigma in the community
  • increase early help-seeking.

Please contact the Drug and Alcohol First Aid Coordinator for more information.

“The workshop was very informative. It gave me an excellent overview of problematic alcohol and other drug use and agencies that I can refer to. I also learned how language we use can impact stigma and help-seeking.” – Workshop participant

Who should attend?

People working (or volunteering) in the community services sector and primary prevention health sector.

Organisations seeking to provide support to staff or members (such as transport, construction, sports and recreation).

Who delivers the training?

Our facilitators are qualified and experienced Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug clinicians.

How much does it cost?

For a quote, please contact the Drug and Alcohol First Aid Coordinator by email at [email protected]

Has the training been externally evaluated?

Yes. The workshop content has been evaluated by the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA). This evaluation found workshop participants had significantly improved their knowledge of referral agencies for Alcohol and Other Drug support, and significantly improved their knowledge of primary prevention and stigma reduction.

Upcoming events

All of the upcoming DAFA workshop events can be found on our Eventbrite page.

For more information

If you would like to know more about our Drug and Alcohol First Aid workshops please contact us via email: [email protected]