After completing our long-term residential program at Watershed Rehabilitation, you may require some support getting re-settled in the community. We have developed Carinya, our Transitional Living Program to help make that transition smoother.

As well as supporting our residents, we will also consider community referrals on a case by case basis, depending on bed availability and recent completion of a rehabilitation program.

How can Carinya help?

Carinya is a medium to long term transition (3 to 12 month) program which aims to provide a safe, substance free and supportive environment where clients can continue to work on their recovery as well as preparing themselves to re-enter their community as positive members of that community.

Carinya provides an opportunity to transition from a fully structured rehabilitation program to a semi-structured program that allows residents to create and develop positive associations whilst taking responsibility for the choices they make.

Individualised treatment planning is critical, so every client is assigned a primary caseworker on intake, ensuring that they receive valuable one-on-one support. Treatment plans are constantly monitored and adjusted as required to meet the client’s unique needs.

The program is designed for those who are currently in a residential rehabilitation program and would like further assistance after completing treatment.

Clients must be willing to engage fully in the program and be motivated to continue their recovery. Staff will support clients to develop the strength and courage they need in order to transition into their community in a healthy way.


Please contact Carinya staff if you are interested in continuing your recovery in a safe, supportive environment. Phone 1300 727 957 to arrange an assessment or obtain more information.

Our highly experienced staff will carry out a general assessment and provide the appropriate advice (and referral if necessary).

All admissions must complete a residential rehabilitation program prior to entering the service and transition directly from that program. All admissions are required to complete a “Commitment Phase” at our residential service (Watershed) prior to being admitted to Carinya.

Is there a cost?

Clients pay a nominal fee which covers food and board. This fee can be paid directly or taken as a percentage of their Centrelink benefit.

Ongoing treatment

We offer our Watershed Day Program designed to help continue the successful progression to independent living. The program has an educational and living skills focus that can assist those in the community that are unable to commit to a residential program.

Individual therapy

Individual therapy is more of a personal, one-on-one therapy between a client and the staff at Carinya. Carinya puts a priority into offering personalised rehabilitation based on an individual’s unique needs. Our program employs a unique range of therapies, all of them evidence based. We work closely with each individual to asses and identify the varying factors that will help create their own personalised treatment program.

Case management

Assessment of a client’s individual needs and the development of a personal care plan that focuses on treatment, advocacy and referral to other services. At Carinya we understand that an important part of recovery and becoming functional members of society is building social networks and obtaining the skills to function better both physically and psychologically. Further education and employment (paid or volunteer) as well as having safe accommodation play a big role in this. Carinya staff assist clients to develop a reliable and safe discharge plan as well as aiding clients in entering further study/training or the workforce.