Donna Award Photo

This quarter we were fortunate to acknowledge three of our people who received community or sector-based awards.

Our NSW Group Manager for Clinical Services, Michele Campbell (below right) was recognised for her alcohol and other drug support work, receiving an Outstanding Contribution Award at the Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies (NADA) Conference in Sydney on 7 June.

This is an outstanding achievement for Michele, who has spent most of her working life in the AOD sector, in city-based and rural services.

Also awarded, by being named a Westfield local hero, was Jade Mirabito (below left), our LGBTIQAP+ Specialist Worker at headspace Southport.

His award acknowledged his work in supporting young people from the LGBTIQAP+ community. He was among 74 other community members nominated from the northern Gold Coast region and was thrilled to come away with $10,000 to be spent in his workplace on enhancing his role and its capability.

Jade certainly has been helping to make a difference at headspace Southport with the number of people accessing the service who identify as LGBTIQAP+, increasing by almost 100 people in the past year.

He has also shared his professional knowledge and lived experiences with his colleagues to help enhance our inclusive culture and shared understanding of the issues LGBTIQAP+ people face.

Jade facilitates a monthly LGBTIQAP+ Mental Health Professionals Network, which supports the region’s professional development options for those in the sector wanting to learn about LGBTIQAP+ people. Anyone can come along to these free sessions.

The third award went to Donna Meyers (above), our Team Leader at Lives Lived Well Mackay who received a Sarina Community NAIDOC Award for her outstanding contribution to the Sarina Indigenous Community. Donna accepted the award on behalf of all the work her team does in delivering alcohol and drug support to the community as part of their regular outreach services and in supporting brighter futures for community members.

The team also held an Ice Forum in Sarina in July to provide more information about how they can support people and families in Sarina.

We congratulate Michele, Jade and Donna on these work-based achievements.

Jade and Michele with awards


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