Relocated Cairns services add transitional accommodation to services

Relocated Cairns services add transitional accommodation to services

Lives Lived Well has relocated its Cairns operations to larger premises at 139 Sheridan Street and added transitional accommodation to its support services.

Previously located in Martyn Street, the centre also provides a day program for drug or alcohol withdrawal support, community re-entry for people exiting corrective services, and intake assessment for the Shanty Creek residential facility.

Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said supported accommodation was a critical part of any rehabilitation program.

“People seeking treatment and support to deal with alcohol and drug addiction need to have appropriate accommodation where they feel safe and secure,” Mr Entsch said.

“Supported accommodation also reduces the risk of relapse.

“I congratulate Lives Lived Well by going further in providing transitional accommodation – a first for Cairns.

“It is this type of program being offered by Lives Lived Well that gives people the best chance to deal with addiction.”

Lives Lived Well CEO, Mitchell Giles said the new property, funded by Lives Lived Well, featured two two-bedroom units for people in need of accommodation to assist their transition after completing rehabilitation at Shanty Creek.

“Being able to offer transitional accommodation for the first time in Cairns has boosted the level of support we provide for people affected by the problematic use of alcohol and other drugs, including methamphetamine,” Mr Giles said.

“We regularly re-assess the needs of our local communities to ensure we deliver services that will provide the most suitable support for people.”

In September last year, Lives Lived Well, in partnership with Northern Queensland Primary Health Network, introduced the Alcohol and Other Drugs Withdrawal Support program in Cairns to provide supervised day care for people coming off drugs and alcohol.

“Further expanding our support offering to include transitional accommodation at Sheridan Street reflects Lives Lived Well’s commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and to providing a continuum of care in the region,” he said.

Lives Lived Well is a not-for-profit support organisation for people impacted by drugs, alcohol or mental health concerns. People who are thinking of addressing their use of alcohol or other drugs can contact Lives Lived Well on 1300 727 957.


For media inquiries, contact Lives Lived Well’s Marketing Team Leader, Michelle Saftich. Email: [email protected]