Jan 31, 2019
LLW CEO Mitchell Giles, Team Leader Ronelle Waring, Scott Buchholz MP and Jon Krause MP
Lives Lived Well’s official opening of a new space in Beaudesert will allow for an increase in drug and alcohol support to the community, including the running of group programs.
Moving into a new and larger space, the Lives Lived Well team will be able to increase their counselling support in the area and be able to offer group work through the Smart Recovery program as well as family information sessions through the Breakthrough for Family program.
Lives Lived Well CEO Mitchell Giles said the new space would allow for more support for both individuals and families in the Beaudesert community. “In 2018, we supported about 80 people, with our team operating out of Illoura Carinity Care,” he said. “Opening our own space means we can be available more often and, with more space, can run groups and information sessions, increasing the number of people we can support.”
Mr Giles said: “Lives Lived Well is able to offer these free supports in Beaudesert thanks to the support of the Brisbane South PHN through the Australian Government’s PHN program and the Queensland Government, for which we are very grateful.”
Speaking at the opening, Federal Member for Wright, Scott Buchholz MP said Lives Lived Well provided essential community support for those impacted by drugs, alcohol and mental health issues. “Lives Lived Well provides a respected and essential service for our community here in Beaudesert and across the Scenic Rim,” Mr Buchholz said.
“The opening of their new office today shows their value to our local community and the importance of work they do in getting lives back on track following the impact of drugs, alcohol and mental health.”
Also welcoming the launch, Jon Krause, State Member for Scenic Rim, said that the Lives Lived Well team would help cover a missing link in social services for the Beaudesert district by providing much needed support for the wellbeing of those whose lives have been affected by substance use.
“The Scenic Rim Electorate needs its fair share of services and the opening of a new, larger space for Lives Lived Well shows the need and support that networks like this have in our community,” Mr Krause said.
Lucille Chalmers, Brisbane South PHN’s General Manager of Commissioned Programs, said evidence shows access to specialist alcohol and drug (AOD) treatment plus improved coordination of care and increased early intervention delivers positive impacts not only for the individual, but for the community and the broader health system.
“Brisbane South PHN recognises the challenges faced by individuals experiencing harm from problematic substance use, and the people who support them. Beaudesert is one of our priority locations, as identified in our 2018 Needs Assessment, so we are very pleased to be able to support extending services in the region,” she said.
For media inquiries, email Lives Lived Well Marketing and Communications Team Leader, Michelle Saftich on [email protected]
Dec 12, 2018
Lives Lived Well’s Logan House Family Recovery Units officially opened today, marking the end of the project’s construction and the launch of a first-of-its-kind drug and alcohol treatment option for families in Queensland.
The unique residential rehabilitation program makes it possible for parents to receive support while their young children stay with them. The units, which are located on the site of Logan House, south of Brisbane, will open to families in early 2019.
Conducting the official opening today were The Hon. Michael McCormack MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; The Hon Di Farmer, State Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; and Lives Lived Well Chair Damian Wright.
The Australian Government invested $986,000 in the over $2 million construction of the units, jointly funding it with not-for-profit organisation, Lives Lived Well.
The Queensland Government has committed to providing $1.7 million in funding over three years to support the operation of the family alcohol and drug recovery program at the units.
Speaking at the launch, Mr McCormack said: “Addiction affects everyone in the community and especially children who have parents that are suffering. Untreated problems are often passed on to younger generations and this is a cycle we’re keen to disrupt through vital investment such as this.
“Giving parents with young children appropriate accommodation for their families will make it much easier for them to get the help they need, benefiting the entire family and broader community.”
Queensland Minister for Child Safety Di Farmer said annual funding of the Family Recovery Units of close to $600,000 was part of the Queensland Government’s $100 million Action on Ice plan.
“Almost one in three children coming into the care of Child Safety in Queensland have a parent with a current or previous methamphetamine problem, usually ice,” she said. “The road to recovery is not an easy one, and it’s a road travelled by entire families, not just the parent who is recovering.
“That is why this investment in the treatment of families who are struggling with substance use is so important – this is a life-changing program for Queensland families.”
Lives Lived Well Chair Damian Wright said from early next year, parents would be able to come and stay at the units with their young children to receive wrap-around support including specialist alcohol and drug counselling and information, group sessions and parenting, life and health support, whilst having appropriate care arrangements set in place for their children.
“We are grateful for the funding support of both state and federal governments, which allows us to work closely with families to turn their lives around after the harms and disruption of alcohol and drugs,” Mr Wright said.
For media inquiries, email Lives Lived Well’s Michelle Saftich on [email protected]
Mar 14, 2018
Lives Lived Well is delighted to foreshadow two new family programs that make live-in recovery available to those of whom it previously may not have been an option: Lyndon Women’s in Orange, New South Wales; and Family Recovery Units in Logan Queensland.
Seeking help for a drug or alcohol problem is already a daunting enough task, and pregnancy, family and young children can make this seem impossible.
Lyndon Women’s Program
Lyndon Women’s Program is targeted towards mothers of young children. The program offers dedicated child care workers so that children can stay with their mothers.
Along with a tailored alcohol and other drug program Lyndon Women’s offers individual and group-based therapy and mental-health management as required. As an added part of the support available, Lyndon Women’s offers family and relationship focused counselling.
support for planned family reunions and help accessing specialist child services.
While the full program runs for six weeks, it has flexibility if circumstances change and stays can be extended if required. On completion of Lyndon Women’s Program, counsellors will assist with the transition back to home.
Logan House Family Units
The Logan House Family Recovery Units will have five family units and provide easier access to drug and alcohol rehabilitation services for parents with young children.
With infrastructure jointly funded by the Commonwealth Government and Lives Lived Well, the family accommodation units will enable parents to live-in with their children at Logan House and have them cared for while they receive the support to overcome their alcohol and other drug related issues.
Federal Member for Forde Bert van Manen recently joined Logan City Councillor Phil Pidgeon and Lives Lived Well CEO Mitchell Giles in the ceremonial “turning of the first sod” on site at Logan House.
The centre is on track to open in November and will consist of three two-bedroom units and two three-bedroom units. Each unit comes with an attached kitchen, bathroom, living room and a shared outdoor room, giving each family independence and security.
In the meantime, Lives Lived Well continues to provide community-based support services for families in the area through our Beenleigh and Beaudesert centres.