Looking to kick-start your recovery? Watershed offers live-in withdrawal management with 24-hour care.
IMPORTANT: The Watershed renovation will complete in October and we will start accepting withdrawal clients in November 2024
For many clients, Withdrawal Management (detox) is the start of the recovery process. Because each person experiences detox differently, we pay close attention to client’s individual needs in order to make the process as smooth and comfortable as possible. Watershed assesses each client based on medical history, drug of choice, length of use and mental status in order to determine the most appropriate care.
Our Watershed Withdrawal Management program works in partnership with Illawarra Shoalhaven Health to provide a tailored detox program. Clients detoxing from alcohol, opiates and benzodiazepines must be within the Illawarra Shoalhaven area health district to utilise this service. The program lasts between 5 to 14 days, depending on the substance the client is detoxing from, and includes a social and medical assessment, an early intervention plan, an individually suited withdrawal regime (medicated or non-medicated as required by the client) as well as a supportive individual and group counselling program.
Clients are supported through their detox stage with 24 hour care at Watershed. As detox is generally the beginning stage o a client’s recovery journey, therefore we aim to integrate detox as intimately as possible into our specialised rehabilitation program (also at Watershed). This allows clients to build on the momentum gained from the detox experiences in pursuing more comprehensive support.
How long is the process?
The withdrawal process can last between 5 to 14 days, depending on the person’s situation. Watershed has medical and support staff on site 24 hours a day.
What happens when I arrive?
If possible, have a support person bring you. Watershed is in a residential area with no parking available for clients so its best to have someone bring you or travel by public transport (just let the team know if you need a lift from the train station). Your support person is welcome to stay while you are being admitted.
How much does it cost?
You are required to pay some money towards your stay in the Watershed residential withdrawal management program. The fee can be taken as a percentage of your Centrelink benefit if you choose. The admissions officer will provide this information on contact.
Admissions and referrals?
You don’t need a GP referral. You can self-refer through our website here. If you have limited access to the internet or would prefer to speak to us to request a referral, please phone the Contact Team on 1300 727 957.
We also accept online provider referrals from other health professionals, services and community and government organisations or they can fax referrals to 07 5546 8223.