Earlier this year we opened Lyndon Women’s, an innovative live-in recovery program for women with or without children in regional NSW. Local businesses such as Bunnings and Star Chem are helping us build a home away from home for mums and kids.
Getting help for a drug or alcohol problem when you’re a parent can be challenging. Work and parenting responsibilities often prevent people from accessing live-in rehabilitation. Services such as our new Lyndon Women’s program enable women with or without children to participate in a free six-week residential rehabilitation program.
Lyndon Women’s is a unique drug and alcohol treatment program because it enables children up to 12 years to stay with their mothers, with the added support of dedicated childcare workers.
Creating a welcoming and homely environment for mums and their children has been an important part of our focus as we develop this site, so we’re particularly grateful to Orange-based organisations such as Bunnings, the Quota Club, Mullion Produce and Star Chem for helping us create a home away from home.
Women and children staying at Lyndon Women’s enjoy free range eggs and freshly picked vegies, thanks to the chickens and vegie gardens in the backyard. Our team worked with Bunnings staff to build the chicken coop and the raised vegie gardens – using materials also donated by Bunnings.
We’ve also received donations of welcome packs full of treats for the women and children and a variety of clothing. Women in the program can also enjoy a regular on-site pamper session.
Lyndon Women’s Program Manager, Nettie Lymbery, said the contributions from local businesses were gratefully received.
“The support has been wonderful and helped us create a really welcoming and safe environment, which in turn supports people in their recovery and helps them to live a life free from the harms of alcohol and other drugs,” she said.
The program can help with reducing dependence on drugs and alcohol, mental health concerns, relationship issues and the challenges of parenting. It can also can be extended if required and our counsellors assist with linkages to local community supports to help women with their transition back into community.
Our team (some pictured above) includes a registered nurse, psychologist, early childhood educator, childcare worker, and drug and alcohol counsellors.
Referrals are accepted, or women can self refer. Call 1300 596 366 or email: [email protected]
Go to http://www.lyndon.org.au/womens-program/ for more program info.