Lives Lived Well’s Mackay team – helping to provide support to bring about positive life changes for individuals and families

Lives Lived Well has expanded its free and recovery-based Non-Residential Rehabilitation Day Program to three more locations, namely South Brisbane, Toowoomba and Mackay, providing these communities with more options in alcohol and drug treatment.

The Day Program allows people to participate in a more in-depth “treatment” while remaining at home, which differs from a residential service where there would be a need to “live-in” and stay overnights, making it an accessible option for more people.

The program’s expansion is thanks to additional funding from the Queensland Government.

Today, Tuesday, 18 June, 2019, State Member for Mackay, Julieanne Gilbert, launched the Day Program in Mackay at an official event, which also marked the opening of a new Lives Lived Well space at the Suncorp Building,123 Victoria Street.

Not-for-profit, Lives Lived Well provides mostly free supports to almost 30 communities across Queensland and regional NSW. It opened its first service in Mackay in August 2017 with the free “Ice Help” program at 62 Victoria Street. A month later, Lives Lived Well started providing free withdrawal support at the City Super GP Clinic on Boundary Road, Ooralea.

Launching the Day Program and opening the new space, Julieanne Gilbert said: “We know too well substance misuse tears Queensland families apart.  Drugs like ice can lead to harm towards children and contribute to poor mental health and domestic violence.

“Lives Lived Well does critically important work with families across Queensland, and I’m happy to see their work expanded here in Mackay.  Tackling substance use in a way that keeps families together will create safer, stronger communities in our region.”

Lives Lived Well CEO Mitchell Giles thanked the State Government for its ongoing support and for making it possible to offer the group-based Day Program in more communities, including in Mackay, where we have been providing services for almost two years.

“Lives Lived Well’s Day Program offers comparable educational and therapeutic treatment provided at our long-standing residential programs, which means people can now access more comprehensive support but without the need to live-in,” Mr Giles said.

“Participants attend weekdays and return home at the end of each day. This gives people, who are unable to access residential care for whatever reason, a good alternate option.”

Program inquiries can be made by calling Lives Lived Well on 1300 727 957 or


For all media enquiries contact:

Michelle Saftich – Marketing & Media Officer
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