Did you know that Lives Lived Well is currently involved in 16 research projects?
We have a team of researchers, headed up by Professor Leanne Hides (above centre), from the University of Queensland, leading research projects across our QLD and NSW programs. Professor Hides is our inaugural Lives Lived Well Chair in Alcohol, Drugs and Mental Health. She brings a team of researchers with her – Dr Dominique De Andrade (above left), Dr Catherine Quinn (above right) & Dr Rachel Elphinston.
Dr Julaine Allan is our Lives Lived Well Research Manager. Working from Orange, Julaine is a part of Lives Lived Well’s Clinical Directorate and has a long and successful history of research and senior leadership roles in the AOD sector. Julaine’s team includes Nicole Snowdon, Dr Anna Thompson, Raechel Wallace and Cathy Wilson. These teams are working with Lives Lived Well staff including headspace Southport Clinical Services Manager Philip Williams and Clinical Services/Gambling Manager Gerard Moloney.
Each study will include a recommended change or adaptation to practice that we can apply across our programs and share with the sector where relevant. Here’s a brief outline of some of the research projects:
Wellbeing group (GRIT)
Looking at the effectiveness of a wellbeing group as an intervention. Being conducted at our residential services – Mirikai and Logan House, the project complements our new six-week residential service model and will assess the impact of group-based physical and experiential treatment on substance use. GRIT sessions are offered twice weekly over six-weeks and cover topics like mindfulness and emotional regulation. Led by Cath Quinn, the trial is due to be completed in December 2018.
Telephone intervention (QuikFix)
Looking at a brief over-the-phone intervention aimed at helping young people reduce the harms related to drug and alcohol use. The intervention aims to provide young people with strategies enabling them to resist high risk situations. Led by Rachel Elphinston, the study is taking place at our Brisbane South, North and Gold Coast services and is due to be completed in June 2019.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
This study involves comparing an 8-week DBT skills group program with a 16-week DBT group and individual therapy program. The outcomes for the young people attending each program at our headspace Southport service will be compared. It is being led by Carlie Robertson, Dom DeAndrade and Lily Davidson.
Peer workforce project
Exploring the experiences of young people in peer support roles at headspace Southport, where an innovative peer workforce model has been implemented. The project will document what benefits and challenges the young people in these roles experience. It is being led by Philip Williams and Julaine Allan.
AOD interventions in rural NSW headspace centres
Working with headspace national to identify what types of drug and alcohol interventions would fit best in the headpsace model including what will be most acceptable to young people. The study includes six rural headspace centres in NSW. The feasibility study will be complete in June 2019, with the intention to test the recommended model. This is being led by Julaine Allan and Nicole Snowdon.
Computerised cognitive remediation
Aims to test the impact and feasibility of computerised cognitive remediation interventions within a residential rehabilitation setting. Currently selecting the computerised program to trial. The project will take place at our Wattlegrove service in NSW and is due to finish in June 2020. It is being led by Anna Thompson and Julaine Allan.
Substance use and gambling
We have conducted a survey that investigates the relationship between substance use and gambling. The survey was sent to nearly 3000 past and present clients in QLD and NSW. The survey results will be available in November this year. This project is led by Gerard Maloney, Cath Quinn and Julaine Allan.