Lives Lived Well is delivering the Breakthrough for Families (BFF) program in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, Townsville and Cairns thanks to funding from the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women.
BFF provides information and support to family members of people who have problematic substance use. It can also deliver specialised support for families who are affected by methamphetamines. The service delivery involves a combination of free AOD education sessions, brief intensive intervention through counselling and case management, as well as links to other Lives Lived Well services or community organisations.
The education sessions provided as part of BFF aim to empower family members to make positive decisions as individuals and as part of a family unit.
These sessions involve a combination of:
- information and education about alcohol and other drugs
- understanding AOD use, how to respond to someone who is affected and the effects, risks and harms of use on individuals, families and the broader community
- help understanding the impact of AOD use on physical and mental health and strategies to keep themselves and their family safe
- information and advice on treatment, help and support options available in the community
- practical strategies to help family members discuss substance use
- addressing barriers to seeking help.
BFF is delivered in accessible times, places and formats to engage with families and enable diverse family and community members to attend.
The service is confidential and operates completely independently from the child protection system. Individuals and families can self-refer, or referrals can be made through our information and intake line: 1300 727 957, or on our website.